At Undershaw we have a range of policies covering all aspects of school life. They are available for download here.
We highlight in particular:
Accessibility Policy 24-25
Admissions Policy 24-25
Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy and Procedures
Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy 24-25
Behaviour Principles 24-25
Careers and Work Experience Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Communication Policy and Protocols
Complaints Procedure and Policy 24-25
Curriculum Policy 24-25
Equality Information and Objectives policy 24-25
Fire Prevention Policy and Evacuation Plan 24-25
First Aid Policy
Health and Safety Policy 24-25
Mobile Phone and Device Policy 2024-25
Please contact the Headteacher’s PA for any hard copy requests of the policies listed above.
Parents wishing to request access to data under the Data Protection Act should write to the Data Protection Officer.
Like all schools, we collect a lot of personal data to help us run the school and to look after the interests of our school community: our students and their families; staff; governors; and school associates. Our Privacy Statement explains the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the personal information we collect, what we do with it, and your rights.