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Employability and Life Skills

We begin with the end in sight.

We focus on developing all the skills necessary for living an independent and fulfilling adulthood.

I hope to light the fire of aspiration by bringing Employability skills to life, inspiring our young people to set goals and equip them with the experiences and knowledge needed to achieve them.

I am passionate about our young people being given the opportunity to reach their full potential and confidently transition from education into paid employment.


Leilah Sheridan, Head of Employability and Life Skills

Supported Internships, Apprenticeships and T Levels


What is a ‘Supported Internship’?

Supported internships are a structured, work-based study programme for 16 to 24-year-olds with SEND, who have an education, health and care plan (EHCP). The core aim of a supported internship study programme is a substantial work placement, facilitated by the support of an expert job coach.

DFN Project Search
Surrey Choices

What is an Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are recognised formally by the Government. Apprentices must be working to a published and approved Framework or Standard, which includes mandatory off-the-job training delivered by a training provider, often a local college.
Apprentices by law must have a contract of employment and be paid the appropriate minimum wage rate.

Amazing Apprenticeships

Exploring T Levels at College

T Levels are an alternative to A levels, apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses. Equivalent to A levels, a T Level focuses on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study, or apprenticeships.

HM Government – T Levels

Transition Pathways

Dear Undershaw students,

There are many things you can do after you leave Undershaw; you can continue your studies at college, find an Apprenticeship, apply to a Supported Internship Programme, or enter the world of work.

At Undershaw, most of our leavers will choose to go on to Post 16 after Year 11, and most choose Further Education College after Post 16. Some students will choose an Apprenticeship, Supported Internship, or go straight to work.

We have a wonderful Employability Team who are here to support you in deciding where you would like to go after leaving Undershaw.

Have a look at the opportunities below, and remember that you can talk to any of the staff here about your options.  we’re all here to support you – but above all, it’s important you choose the right path for YOU.

We can’t wait to watch you fly!
The Undershaw Speech and Language Therapy Team

We believe that education is so much more than measuring the quantifiable. Our success in life, however we choose to define it, is a result of the hard and soft skills we learn on our way.
Life at Undershaw is no different. Our specialisms unite to form a multi-disciplinary offering that places equal emphasis on building self-esteem, confidence, resilience, and a sense of well-being so our young people are ready for the richness of a full and independent life beyond the school gates.

To read our latest news on our Skills Builder Silver Award and how we embed the Life Skills Programme into every corner of school life, please click here.

The Character of Undershaw


We are:
Good listeners

We are positive. good listeners. ambitious. friendly. resilient. creative. articulate. supportive. self-confident. motivational. cooperative. focussed.

Our Transition Coach

Our Transition Coach takes a key role with admissions and builds a relationship with our students and families as soon as they join the Undershaw family. As a Team this enables us to start the journey together with our families to ensure that each young person is encouraged to believe in their aspirations, and that Further Education and employment are real possibilities. We begin with the goal of successful future transition from Undershaw. We Believe.

Our Independence Coach

Our Independence Coach works alongside the Education and Therapy Teams across all age groups, as we embed essential Employability & Life Skills throughout the Curriculum. These essential skills are brought to life through practical interactions and experiences, with time for supported reflection built into each lesson, creating opportunities for our young people to recognise their own progression, feel proud, and most importantly build confidence.

Our Progression Coach

Our Progression Coach and Faculty Lead works closely with the other faculty leads to ensure that there are opportunities for cross collaboration threading through skill development, not only within school life but also in the wider community. Guided by the Gatsby Benchmarks our aim is to further inform and prepare our young people for transition to Independence, providing one-to-one coaching, group work, workplace exposure and, most importantly, parent / carer engagement.

We believe that if we shape the right individualised support during the foundation years, our young people have a far greater chance to transition successfully, fully informed, and with confidence.

Careers at Undershaw

We begin our dialogue with students about careers, their aspirations and ambitions as soon as we can, as we believe it’s never too early to start.  Our students have passion and drive and our role is to show them a world where their dreams can become reality.  It is often a question of lifting the veil and working alongside the student, the ambition and the pathways to bring the future to life.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

We are proud of our Careers Programme at Undershaw and the Gatsby Benchmarks underpin everything we do.

Undershaw in the Community

We provide many opportunities for our students to be included in life outside the school, while remaining comfortable, happy, and safe. Students are given opportunities to engage with the local community in a plethora of ways and contact with the outside world is part of our weekly routine. Read more about our Community Partners

See Our Partnerships page

It is vital that students are supported to engage with, and eventually live in, their community and not just exist in the confines of the school. We take every opportunity to thread real life experiences and learning opportunities throughout our curriculum and use these as a landscape upon which to base their learning.

This is not just school life… This is life.

What they're saying

‘Undershaw is a shining example of best practice in skills education. Congratulations to all involved'

Sophie DeavilleSenior Education Associate, Skills Builder Partnership

A strong focus on developing key life and employability skills in the sixth form ensures that pupils are well prepared personally, as well as academically, for the next stages of education or employment.

OFSTED ReportFeb 2022

The Undershaw students are just so lovely and friendly. I’m impressed how hard working and mature they are.

SarahCafé Manager, Haslewey Community Centre

It was a delight to meet your students: full of questions and curiosity. It’s clearly a lovely school.

Kate Perry, BBC Journalistand Undershaw Careers Week Speaker

The staff at Undershaw have created a lifelong strategy for students, ensuring that they have the essential skills needed to succeed.

Sophie DeavilleSenior Education Associate, Skills Builder Partnership

Thanks for the confidence in me.

Undershaw Alumnus

Honestly the change in him has been amazing. We feel very fortunate to have got into Undershaw. Such a great school with fantastic staff & teachers.

Undershaw Parent

The school has been amazing and has transformed my son in so many ways into the happy and confident 16yr old he is today.

Undershaw Parent

Eliminating the impossible


Undershaw is an inclusive community which is based on mutual respect.  Everyone is valued and their uniqueness celebrated.

Read about Employability


Undershaw is a caring and considerate school. We look after each other wholeheartedly, fostering meaningful and compassionate relationships.

Read about Therapy


Undershaw is a safe space for all, where we can take risks. We support each other to keep going and believe in ourselves when we try new things.

Read about our Curriculum