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Post 16

Post 16 supports our students into Further Education placements, Apprenticeship Schemes, Supported Internships or Employability Pathways. It is a robust, varied and rich experience for all our learners and equips them with the life skills necessary to embark upon their independent adult lives beyond the school gates.

  • Ensuring reliance for the next steps in life

  • Achieving accreditations in skills for employment

  • Embedding work skills for each young person

Download our Post 16 Prospectus

The Employability and Life Skills team are fully embedded into school life. Our Post 16 cohort and specialist staff have their own bespoke facilities at the Undershaw Arts and Media Centre. We have a tailored Teaching Area, a Common Room for downtime and relaxation, and a fully equipped kitchen where our students can gain real hands-on experience of what it means to be independent young adults.

  • We are currently developing a portfolio of businesses and mentoring opportunities backed by a partnership of learning with local companies.
  • Students are enrolled on the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme and develop Enterprise Projects as well as being offered enrichment and extra-curricular options.

Work Experience

We build and nurture partnerships with local businesses. This ensures we are pivotal in informing, supporting, and developing the employment of young people with additional needs in our local community, and through that we are influencing the wider corporate landscape.
As an example, our longstanding partnership between the school and Pathways Café at the Cookie Bar illustrates the benefit of working together to enable our students to step out into a work environment with confidence. Partnerships such as these are linchpins of our wider strategy to further embed the school, our ethos, and our desire for genuine social change at the heart of the commercial world.
On the ground, we continue with our stream of social enterprise activities: our students are currently leading an enterprise project to set up a school Tuck Shop. They are working with volunteers and under the guidance of the School Business Manager.
We are always keen to explore further opportunities for forging Partnerships with local SMEs. If you would like to discuss becoming a Corporate Partner please contact marketing@undershaw.education for more details on the variety of ways you can get involved.

DFN Charitable Foundation

As one of our Charitable Foundations, Undershaw is heavily involved with DFN Project SEARCH and Project MoveForward. The Foundation spearheads employability initiatives and supports progression coaches within organisations to embed effective role profiles and 1:1 coaching for young adults with additional needs. The school is incredibly fortunate to have such a high calibre Partnership and it affords our students some potentially life-changing opportunities.

Read more about Project SEARCH and Project MoveForward

Project SEARCH and Project MoveForward
Parent Testimonials

I absolutely have my trust in the leadership team, the wonderful staff and the vision for the school going forward.

Current parent

The emotional support and advice has been wonderful

Year 4 parent

I’m thrilled both my children get to reap the benefits of such a high quality education

Year 4 parent

She’s made friends and really looks forward to coming to school.

Post 16 parent

Our daughter commented to me after her first day that the difference in atmosphere was enormous.

Post 16 parent

Whilst supporting the students with such a fantastic provision, we have certainly felt encouraged as parents too

Year 4 parent

J has felt able to put her trust in the school from her very first day.

Post 16 parent

At all times our family felt supported.

Post 16 parent

E has many years ahead of him at Undershaw and I am excited about the opportunities he is going to get.

Year 4 parent

Eliminating the impossible


Undershaw is an inclusive community which is based on mutual respect.  Everyone is valued and their uniqueness celebrated.

Read about Employability


Undershaw is a caring and considerate school. We look after each other wholeheartedly, fostering meaningful and compassionate relationships.

Read about Therapy


Undershaw is a safe space for all, where we can take risks. We support each other to keep going and believe in ourselves when we try new things.

Read about our Curriculum