Undershaw breaks new ground with Reverse Parents Evenings
The traditional view of parents evenings is that it is an opportunity for parents and carers to listen to a report of progress, aspirations, objectives and pastoral developments from teachers, pastoral assistants, therapists and other specialist staff.
Every healthy relationship has a dynamic communication structure and the relationship between home and school should be no different.
As a result, Undershaw introduced the novel concept of Reverse Parents Evenings in September 2021. It proved so useful that it will be offered each term as a compliment to the traditional Parents Evenings.
The students are central to our ethos at Undershaw but the well-being of our families is just as important. If we can all invest time and energy in maintaining a positive and open relationship by way of a healthy communication platform, then we can’t help but succeed.
”It is always wonderful to see the Undershaw staff and parents working together to make sure that we meet the needs of our students.
Emma WestActing Headteacher
An example of this was the innovative reverse parents evening that we held at the start of the academic year. It was important that parents met and got to know their children’s pastoral team, but also so enriching to our provision for the parents to talk to us about their child and what we can do to support them well.
The feedback from parents was so positive that we have decided to offer a reverse parents evening once a term alongside our traditional academic parents’ evenings.