Our latest news
SEND Ethos
Each child deserves an opportunity to achieve their best. At Undershaw we pride ourselves on our SEND ethos being at the heart of everything we do.
We provide a structured, stimulating environment in which all children are valued, included, and supported to reach their full potential. Every child is unique and all children develop at a different pace. We place each child at the centre of their learning. We place their needs before all others and will adapt our model to suit each individual.
We have a high staff to student ratio to ensure we are achieving all our aspirations for well-being and pastoral care. Our team consists of specialist staff within all the pillars of our offer:
- Faculty heads (curriculum)
- Specialist SEND class teachers
- Pastoral Teaching Assistants
- Subject Specialist Teaching Assistants
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Emotional Therapists
- Job coaches
- Employability and Transition specialists
Our small school feels like a family, and through that we can focus on facilitating seamless communication between home and school. Our communication is transparent and child centric.
The school aims to change lives for the better and strives to ensure that every child can realise their potential and make their unique contribution to society.
OFSTED February 2022
Quality of Education
Behaviour and Attitudes
Personal Development
Quality of Leadership and Management
Sixth Form Provision
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection