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The School Day

The Undershaw School Day is one of the ways we tailor our provision to suit our students. We want to ensure every learner is getting the very best from their education and able to embark upon their study in a relaxed and happy manner, ready and willing to learn.


We actively seek out opportunities to minimise transition so we are not rushing through our day. Our logistics are carefully planned, and we work tirelessly to evoke a culture of calm for our students and staff at every opportunity.


Undershaw lesson blocks are longer than they are at other schools for a number of reasons. We believe our learners gain a more immersive experience and can enjoy a deeper level of understanding when staff can guide them through the theoretical and practical aspects in a less time-pressured and more flexible manner.

08:15 – Breakfast Club
08:30 – Drop Off from this time onwards
08:45 – 09:15 – Form rooms open, Registration and Tutor Time
09:15 – 10:20 – Lesson 1
10:20 – 10:35 – Break
10:35 – 11:40 – Lesson 2
11:40 – 12:45 – Lesson 3
12:45 – 13:25 – Lunchtime
13:25 – 13:45 – ‘DEAR’ time (Drop Everything and Read)
13:45 – 14:50 – Lesson 4
14:50 – 15:05 – Departures
15:00 – 16:00 – Homework Club

Timetables 2022-2023

For many of our students, a visual timetable is a useful and accessible resource.  Please click the links below for the visual timetables for each class:

KS2 Conan
KS2 Doyle
Class 7-1
Class 7-2
Class 8-1
Class 8-2
Class 8-3
Class 9-1
Class 9-2
Class 10-1
Class 10-2
Year 11

Homework at Undershaw

We have a bespoke homework system which meets the needs of our individual students. Students can opt to complete compulsory homework or choose not to some or all of the homework set. Many of our students choose to complete some homework through key stage 2 and 3, increasing this in key stage 4 (year 10) when the courses which lead to qualifications begin.

Key Stage 2 Homework

In key stage 2, our students can choose to complete one homework activity a week from a range of suggestions that are relevant to the current thematic learning topic. Here is this year’s Key Stage 2 homework choice grid.

In key stage 2, students are encouraged to read daily as part of their homework, and we use the online programme ‘Mathletics’ for weekly numeracy homework. Students are set no more than two tasks at a time to complete – there is always the opportunity to complete more if they would like!

Key Stage 3 Homework

Homework is set for all subjects in key stage 3 according to the timetables (below) and students can opt to complete none, some or all of the tasks set each week. Often, students choose one or two subjects to start with and then increase the amount that they are doing over key stage 3.

Seneca, Hegarty, Mathletics and Lexia are all online platforms that are used by teachers to set appropriate homework which supports students in learning and embedding the knowledge and skills that they learn through key stage 3 so that they are fluent and confident in when they start formal qualification pathways leading to GCSE/BTECs in year 10. Students often engage well with homework that is set on an online platform, and teachers can easily track progress and set appropriate tasks for the individual student, based on their progress over time.

Homework – Year 7
Homework – Year 8
Homework – Year 9

Key Stage 4 and Post 16 Homework

Whilst homework remains optional in years 10, 11 and post 16, it is recommended that students do engage in completing more work at home when they start GCSE/BTEC study. We continue to use a range of online platforms which are designed for students to learn and recall the key knowledge that they need for the GCSE and BTEC specifications. In some subjects, the homework may contribute towards a portfolio of practical work, for example, practising a piece of music for a GCSE performance or taking photographs for an art portfolio. When students are approaching exam periods, the homework will include revision, much of which will be done using the appropriate online platform to support revision and testing using exam-style questions to help the students to prepare for their exams.

Homework – Year 10
Homework – Year 11

Recording homework

From year 7 upwards, students at Undershaw are set homework using Assignments on MS Teams. This means there is clear communication between school and home about what has been set, parents are able to view the homework with their child, and communicate with teachers about the tasks easily. We teach all students how to access their accounts and view homework and we will always help families to feel confident to do this. Teams is accessible on all online devices including laptops, tablets, phones and gaming consoles. For support to access Assignments at home, please see our help sheet or contact your child’s form tutor who will support.

The School Week

In addition to our innovative school day structure, we also format our weeks differently. This means we can incorporate the very best of the array of learning environments we have available to us. Firstly we have our idyllic campus with a plethora of specialist areas, our Arts and Media Centre, hydrotherapy pool and Forest School, to name a few. We also have a wealth of opportunities offsite and we take delight in immersing ourselves in our Discovery Days every Friday.

Enrichment Options
Parent Testimonials

I absolutely have my trust in the leadership team, the wonderful staff and the vision for the school going forward.

Current parent

The emotional support and advice has been wonderful

Year 4 parent

I’m thrilled both my children get to reap the benefits of such a high quality education

Year 4 parent

She’s made friends and really looks forward to coming to school.

Post 16 parent

Our daughter commented to me after her first day that the difference in atmosphere was enormous.

Post 16 parent

Whilst supporting the students with such a fantastic provision, we have certainly felt encouraged as parents too

Year 4 parent

J has felt able to put her trust in the school from her very first day.

Post 16 parent

At all times our family felt supported.

Post 16 parent

E has many years ahead of him at Undershaw and I am excited about the opportunities he is going to get.

Year 4 parent

Eliminating the impossible


Undershaw is an inclusive community which is based on mutual respect.  Everyone is valued and their uniqueness celebrated.

Read about Employability


Undershaw is a caring and considerate school. We look after each other wholeheartedly, fostering meaningful and compassionate relationships.

Read about Therapy


Undershaw is a safe space for all, where we can take risks. We support each other to keep going and believe in ourselves when we try new things.

Read about our Curriculum