Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
“The Pupil premium was introduced by the Government in 2011 to provide additional support for looked after children and those from low income families. The extra funding is made available to schools to help them narrow the gap that still exists between pupils from disadvantaged and more affluent backgrounds.”
Source: The Pupil Premium: How schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement – published by Ofsted
Local Authorities may allocate PPG to independent special schools or spend the funding themselves on additional educational support to raise the attainment for the eligible pupils. Currently, the majority of Local Authorities working with Undershaw choose to allocate the funding to us.
Which students are eligible for the grant?
Students who either currently claim Free School Meals (FSM) or those who have claimed this support at some point during the previous 6 years.
From April 2020 the rates are:
£1,385 per primary-aged student
£985 per secondary-aged student
In addition to this, schools get £2,410 for every student who has left local authority care through adoption, a special guardianship order or child arrangements order.
Local authorities get the same amount for each child they are looking after; they must work with the school to decide how the money is used to support the child’s Personal Education Plan.
At Undershaw, our curriculum and complimentary teaching are robust and flexible. We can accommodate a variety of needs and circumstances.
Our PPG strategy, linked below, details Undershaw’s use of the funding. Please get in touch through the usual channels if you have any questions or queries. We are very happy to help.