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Our latest news

June 25, 2024 in General news, Our people, Student life

Undershaw achieves Gold seal of approval

Undershaw achieves Gold Anti-Bullying Charter Mark from Surrey County Council; we are outstanding in all areas. Last week two assessors visited the school to audit our provision. They met with…
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March 19, 2024 in General news, Our people, Student life, Trips

Undershaw girls make their mark on the football pitch

Girls in Key Stage 3 and 4 have been leaving their mark on football at an inclusive tournament hosted by Fulham Football Club. This is part of the Surrey Inclusive…
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January 16, 2024 in General news, Our people, Student life

Undershaw receives Eco-schools’ prestigious Green Flag Award

We all care about the environment and like to think we ‘do our bit’, but what if we feel that our bit isn’t quite enough?  What if we could also…
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At Undershaw we have small class sizes, a personal approach to welfare and pastoral care, and a supportive and relaxing environment where each student can thrive, make lasting friendships, and achieve their best.


Undershaw is a specialist setting where children from Year 3 to Post 16 with mild to moderate learning difficulties and additional needs, such as ASD, cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, and medical vulnerabilities can access the national curriculum and bespoke qualification pathways in a safe, secure, and friendly environment.

Many of our students have found the pace and environment of mainstream schooling particularly challenging and may have experienced barriers within their educational journey. Undershaw is a small school with a family atmosphere. We hope your child will be very happy in their time with us.

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Undershaw Virtual Tour

Student Profile

Please take a moment to assess the following typical student profile and the specialist needs we can accommodate. If you feel our school is the right fit for you and your family, please contact your case worker at the Local Authority.

A typical student profile:

  • Mixed gender from Year 3 to Post 16
  • Mild to moderate learning difficulties
  • Has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Undershaw enables students to transform their futures and to realise their true potential in a safe, nurturing, and inspirational environment. These are students who may find secondary mainstream settings challenging. We offer small classes, a universal therapy provision, and an academic peer group, all of which allow our students to thrive.

Students will already have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) and present with mild to moderate:

  • Speech, language, and communication difficulties
  • Sensory process disorders
  • Specific learning difficulties, such as Dyslexia
  • Developmental co-ordination disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
  • Medical vulnerabilities such as hemiplegia and chromosome disorders
Admissions Policy

The Admissions Process

A step by step process for admissions to Undershaw:


  • Please check our admissions criteria
  • If you think Undershaw could be a good fit for your child, please register to visit us at one of our Open Mornings by emailing admissions@undershaw.education

Step 2. VISIT

  • Please come and see us at one of our frequent Open Mornings
  • Meet members of the SLT and our Transition specialists who will tour you around our campus and our vast array of unique spaces

Step 3. APPLY

  • Apply for a place through your Local Authority SEND case officer
  • We can only accept applications via the Local Authority
  • The Local Authority and our dedicated team of specialists will work together to ascertain whether Undershaw can meet the need of the prospective student.
  • The SEND case officer will communicate with you directly regarding your application.


  • Following extensive consultation, if we believe we can meet the EHCP need at Undershaw, we will offer a place to the Local Authority
  • We can only accommodate children and young people with Special Educational Needs who have an EHCP
  • All places are funded by the relevant Local Authority so no placement can be offered without an official referral


  • The Local Authority offers the place to the student.
  • We have a comprehensive referral, assessment and transition process to ensure the successful placements of students
  • The placement offered will be for an individual combination of a programme of study to meet their needs and a bespoke package of care.
  • The school will be in touch to arrange a start date.


  • As a small school we can give each individual student a deep level of individual attention when transitioning into the school
  • We will ensure you and your family meet the staff who will be key to the fulfilment of your child’s EHCP


  • We look forward to welcoming you to the Undershaw family.

Our Promise

We always endeavour to help, and welcome enquiries from families, supporting and advising where we can. However, your main advocate and key contact for pursuing an application will be your SEND case worker at your Local Authority. At Undershaw, in partnership with families and Local Authorities, we strive to ensure that the needs of our children are fully met. We want our children to feel well supported, to be challenged to succeed and to be happy, with the result that progress is made and attainment is high.

If you require any assistance in the application process or wish to speak to the school directly, please contact our dedicated Admissions Team admissions@undershaw.education.


She’s made friends and really looks forward to coming to school.

Post 16 parent

At all times our family felt supported.

Post 16 parent

J has felt able to put her trust in the school from her very first day.

Post 16 parent

E has many years ahead of him at Undershaw and I am excited about the opportunities he is going to get.

Year 4 parent

The world is kind, because I have now found a better school.


Whilst supporting the students with such a fantastic provision, we have certainly felt encouraged as parents too

Year 4 parent

I absolutely have my trust in the leadership team, the wonderful staff and the vision for the school going forward.

Current parent

The emotional support and advice has been wonderful

Year 4 parent

I’m thrilled both my children get to reap the benefits of such a high quality education

Year 4 parent

Our daughter commented to me after her first day that the difference in atmosphere was enormous.

Post 16 parent

Eliminating the impossible


Undershaw is an inclusive community which is based on mutual respect.  Everyone is valued and their uniqueness celebrated.

Read about Employability


Undershaw is a caring and considerate school. We look after each other wholeheartedly, fostering meaningful and compassionate relationships.

Read about Therapy


Undershaw is a safe space for all, where we can take risks. We support each other to keep going and believe in ourselves when we try new things.

Read about our Curriculum