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Undershaw achieves Gold seal of approval

By June 25, 2024No Comments

Undershaw achieves Gold Anti-Bullying Charter Mark from Surrey County Council; we are outstanding in all areas.

Last week two assessors visited the school to audit our provision. They met with students, staff, Governors and parents as part of their visit and reviewed all the work that is done every day to support our students and reinforce the importance of kindness, which along with respect and resilience form our core values and govern our culture at Undershaw.

Your pupils were a pleasure to meet with and a credit to your school. They spoke so positively about being at Undershaw and were proud of their additional responsibilities.

Maggie WalkerAnti-Bullying Charter Mark Co-Ordinator, SW Surrey

The accreditors broke new ground by awarding Undershaw Gold for every category of the accreditation. Undershaw is also the first school to be awarded Gold on its first visit.

This is a remarkable achievement for Undershaw and is testament to all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes by the Pastoral and Therapy teams, laying the framework which can then be implemented by the full staff team throughout the school. The students, led by the School Council and our Anti-Bullying ‘buddies’, have added vital colour the process. We know Undershaw has an incredibly strong culture where our values breathe life into every aspect of our school – and now we have this accreditation to prove it! Well done to everyone involved.

Emma WestHeadteacher

It is often cited that something as subjective and nuanced as culture cannot be measured. However, with accolades such as this Gold award, we can be certain that our culture is lived out through the conduct of our students, reinforced by our staff, and supported fully by our families; a team effort in all its forms.

To read more about our Pastoral Care and Anti-Bullying initiatives please click here.