Parent Feedback
The Undershaw Triumvirate is at the core of our community: students, staff and families. The nature of our school and the profile of our learners is such that the relationship is one of a tight-knit community where communication is a constant state and we take pride in our flexible approach and friendly atmosphere.
We all have a unique perspective on the successes of our school, just as we all have a unique perspective on areas where we can improve. We take The Parent Voice very seriously and have a number of formal and informal mechanisms in place whereby feedback can be gathered.
We have posts for a number of Parent Governors to serve on our Governing Board and would welcome any enquiries to
Undershaw Parent Teacher Forum
We value the importance of the school community and ensuring that, as a school, we all work together to improve the provision that we offer our learners. Our Parent-Teacher Forum (PTF) represents a partnership between parents / carers and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, feedback, support and to make suggestions for improvement.
The key aims of the PTF are:
- To foster good relations between parents and school staff, based on clear communication, mutual respect, support, and empathy.
- To encourage a spirit of co-operation and pride in the accomplishments of the school as well as contributing to the continuous improvement of the school.
- To provide support and guidance to parents and staff.
- To provide an honest parent-staff voice to the leadership team to support decision-making and planning.
We do this by:
- Ensuring all stakeholders are represented at PTF meetings.
- Running educational and supportive sessions on relevant topics.
- Responding to feedback.
- Being open to ideas and suggestions.
If you would like to be involved in the PTF please email
We also have monthly informal Parent Pods where we invite parents onsite to meet members of the Senior Leadership Team and other key staff for a chat and a coffee. If you would like to register please contact the Headteacher’s PA.
For the 2022-2023 academic year we are particularly welcoming parent feedback on:
- The Annual Review process
- Home School communications
If you have any feedback on the above but cannot commit to coming onsite to discuss these aspects of school life then please email and we will acknowledge your feedback and keep you up to date on the progress of any initiatives undertaken as a result.