











Our Governing Board

The school is supported and overseen by a Governing Board. The Board consists of members of our two charitable foundations, several co-optative governors and parent governors. The purpose of the Governing Board is to support and challenge the Senior Leadership Team, consult on areas of shared expertise, and oversee the longer-term management and financial health of the school. The Undershaw Governing Board members are committed to the school’s vision and passionate about its future.


The Board of Governors reports to both of our funding foundations on the overall work and development of the school and welcome members of each onto the board.  The main role is to hold the leadership of the school to account acting as a ‘critical friend’.

Coins Foundation Nominee

Roles 2020-21

Curriculum Committee

Current term

30.08.18 – 29.08.21

Register of Interests

Technical Director, COINS Foundation

DFN Foundation Nominee

Roles 2020-21

Chair FGB, Chair of Curriculum Committee, Safeguarding

Current term

31.01.20 – 31.01.23

Register of Interests

DFN Foundation employee, Governor of Stratford Upon Avon Primary School

DFN Foundation Nominee

Roles 2020-21

Finance and Staffing Committee

Current term

01.08.19 – 31.07.22

Register of Interests

Director of Liasted Investments Ltd and Kapor Primary Ltd, Trustee of Inspiring Futures and Nyumbani

DFN Foundation Nominee

Roles 2020-21

Co-Vice-Chair FGB, Chair of Finance and Staffing Committee

Current term

30.08.18 – 29.08.21

Register of Interests

Founder, Trustee and Chairman of DFN Foundation

Coins Foundation Nominee

Roles 2020-21

Finance and Staffing Committee

Current term

30.08.18 – 29.08.21

Register of Interests

Trustee and Commercial Director of Coins Foundation

Co-optative Governor

Roles 2020-21

Finance and Staffing Committee, Safeguarding

Current term

01.06.19 – 31.05.20 renewed to 31.05.23

Register of Interests


Co-optative Governor (staff)

Roles 2020-21

Curriculum Committee

Current term

01.08.19 – 31.07.22

Register of Interests

Staff member

Co-optative Governor (Head)

Roles 2020-21

Curriculum Committee, Finance and Staffing Committee

Current term

14.07.20 – 13.07.21

Register of Interests


Coins Foundation Nominee

Roles 2020-21

Co-Vice-Chair FGB, Finance and Staffing Committee

Current term

30.08.18 – 29.08.21

Register of Interests

Founder of Coins Foundation, Director of Coins and Oasis, Trustee Habitat of Humanity and Coins Foundation Disability Challenge

Co-optative Governor

Roles 2020-21

Current term

14.12.20 – 13.12.21

Register of Interests

Consultant to the school (School Improvement Specialists)

Clerk to the Governors

Roles 2020-21

Current term

Register of Interests


Eliminating the impossible


Undershaw is an inclusive community which is based on mutual respect.  Everyone is valued and their uniqueness celebrated.

Read about Employability


Undershaw is a caring and considerate school. We look after each other wholeheartedly, fostering meaningful and compassionate relationships.

Read about Therapy


Undershaw is a safe space for all, where we can take risks. We support each other to keep going and believe in ourselves when we try new things.

Read about our Curriculum